Here we go!
It was suggested to me that I consider doing a blog, so here I am.
I am also in the classical position of wondering what the heck I am going to be blogging about to begin with. So to that end I'm planning to get things underway next week with two posts in particular. One of these will be a review of my experiences at the Steampunk Symposium in Ohio, and the other will be the launch of what I hope to be the weekly outline of topics. It is my plan to use a certain subject matter for particular days of the week and see how things go from there.
So tune in Monday, April 28 when I launch things off with 'Me Me Me Mondays,' in which I tell you more about me so you might have a better idea what you'll be in for in the future.
I hope folks will find this fun and entertaining.
Thanks for giving it a look.
It'll be underway soon!
-Bret B. Dusic